Summer 2018 – Lab Day 15


Today was a funny day. My mentor while showing me how to collect for protein accidentally spilled some of the cell sample. Later on, I added 0.5 uL instead of 5 uL of a dye while running the mitopotential assay. The assay still worked though, and I got some interesting, significant results with neurotransmitter and Bortezomib treated cells. Of course, the dead cells could have been underestimated, but at least I think that this experiment might not be such a shot in the dark anymore.

Summer 2018 – Lab Day 11


I made cDNA from mRNA today. It was an interesting, fun process, but I liked setting up for an XTT assay and plating HeLa cells even better. Multi-channel pipets look so cool and are even more awesome to use! They also get me thinking about those precise, fast robotic pipetters.

Summer 2018 – Lab Day 10



RNA isolation is interesting! The most curious part is how the liquid will separate into 3 layers. The two most important things are to be cold and clean with RNA; my mentor emphasized these two a lot! We also imaged a Western blot, which contained the results of the ubiquitination upregulation experiment. Apparently, the Bortezomib combination with increased ubiquitination upregulates apoptosis. The search is on to find out why!

Summer 2018 – Lab Day 9


When everything heads south, what do you do? I was asking myself this question a lot today; the cells were dying. There was no autoclave available at the moment, and it had seemed like we’d tried everything! We just couldn’t figure out why the cells were dying. We decided to thaw some HeLa cells to experiment with in the near future if things worsen.

Summer 2018 – Lab Day 7


I plated cells to further explore combinations of Bortezomib, D3 pathways’ upregulation, and Gli1 pathway inhibition on multiple myeloma cells (side note: Hedgehog activates the Gli1 pathway). I also pre-treated cells with ubiquitination enhancers for the experiment that I started yesterday. It’s fun working on multiple experiments at once; it’s not something I’m used to doing. However, when working all day in the lab, I realized the importance of planning carefully to make sure that I’m not waiting around for one experiment to finish but am not overstretched either.